
August 25, 2007

Join us Saturday when we talk with Anjela Dale from Allentown, PA. Anjela, the mother of three and a new grandmother, is a graphic designer with a passion for color. We'll hear about Anjela's training and work with the Pachamama Alliance, a non-profit organization addressing possibly the greatest challenge of our time: changing the "dream" of our modern industrial culture so we're don't continue to mindlessly consume the Earth, its resources and its people.

Pachamama is used to reference "Mother Earth" and the "Spirit of the Universe" in the Quechoa language of the Ecuador highlands. The Alliance has successfully worked with several tribes in the Amazon basin of Ecuador and specifically the Achuar a tribe which until 12 years ago had little contact with the Western world. The elders of the Achuar say it's imperative that we "change the dream." The present yet outmoded dream based in domination of the Earth's resources results in endless economic growth regardless of the consequences. As someone recently said at the US Social Forum in Atlanta, "It is as if we are sleepwalking toward oblivion."

The Pachamama Alliance doesn't lay blame at the feet of Big Business, the military-industrail complex, or even those who for personal profit seek to clearcut forests and overfish our oceans. The problem is an outmoded worldview -- a way of seeing the world in which such unthinkable acts appear reasonable, sensible and intelligent.

To change the dream, Pachamama has trained over 350 faciliatators throughout the world with symposiums now offered in eight countries. Join us as Anjela inspires us to be dream changers and check out http://www.awakeningthedreamer.org/ for a symposium near you.
Cecily Friday joins us in the fianl quarter huor to discuss political curent events.


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